Friday, July 3, 2009

New VM Website? LOL LOL LOL

Ive seen a lot of traffic coming to my first post. I didnt realize there was some kind of vacuum of information regarding vm and all its court trials. Most people did not even know that its CEO was still hiding from justice!!!

My brother in australia also directed me to a new website they have up:

All i can say is LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL. I'm sure they will follow through on these promises just like before. It doesn't even have a cardholder login!!!! Why don't they start with their CEO coming back to the united stats and appearing before the courts. HAHAHAHA just wait till i can in more pages of the indictment against them hahahahahahah

Cardholder beware, i am still investigating wether this is a government front setup to catch money from outside the country!

Thank you everyone for all your traffic and i will post again soon!