Like many i used to be a cardholder of the company known as Virtual Money Inc. They expierenced many problems previously, but as a loyal cardholder i trusted them when they said they would fix things.
I saw them create a new company to try to save, but never knew why. I have come into possession of legal documents, and am currently investigating more. I will post some as i receive the information. The real story is shocking.
Their company was raided in august by the government. If you were a cardholder the US government has ALL of your information, your financial history, where you live, and is beginning to persue those it suspects of terrorism. IT COULD BE YOU IF YOU MOVED MONEY THROUGH YOUR CARD!!!
Now they say they will be back in business! DONT BELEIVE THE LIES!! I will publish truth as i am able to dig it up. I heard they recently had a court trial in dallas and requested the transcripts, i will post as i get them.
As proof here is just the first page of the indictment against the company. This still has not been resolved yet they claim to be back in business in 2 months? Is this a government front? I call up and only talk to a woman named donna, very confusing.
Here is proof: